I haven't been on my own blog since May! What in the world have I been doing?
Well, I can't remember all the facts (that's probably why I should stay more on top of my blog so I don't forget things) so I will just give you a break down:
1. WE MOVED! We live in a cute little town home by Washington Walmart and I LOVE IT!
2. I have been working at Pier1 and I also love it! It is by far the most amazing job I have ever had.
3. Steven got a job! He has been working for a company that does lawns and landscaping. (Not Mexican style, just a good LDS family owned business:)
4. Our dog, Iver, is doing so well. He is so trained and we love him so much! He is one of my best friends!
5. uhhhmmmmm.... I can't think of any other big news..... So now some little news...
6. I just colored my hair! Well, my friend Sadie did it! She is awesome and I love her, too. Baha.
(pictures to come later)
7. We've made a new couple friend, Sadie and Quinn, and we're going to Disneyland October 16th if everything pans out!
8. I'm looking for a second job so if anyone knows anything....
9. Steve is getting SOOO tan! It's funny! He does look like a Mexican.
10. Everything is good and all is well!
I will try to be better about my Blog. I have just been super duper busy these last few months. But I will be good, don't you worry!
Love, Heather